Pleco not doing his job


Fish Crazy
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester, NH
I recently set up a tank with all new fish. Currently their are 5 harlequin rasboras, 2 moonlight gouramis and a golden killifish...plue a common plecostomus. This is all in a 29g tank, the pleco is only about 4 inches long at this point. Well, I am posting because algae is accumulating on the glass in my tank...and the pleco seems to suck onto the only place that DOESNT have algae, and not because he cleaned it off or anything. My parameters are all good, and I have 3 live plants to keep the nitrate down to a ok level. However, some algae, no matter how vigilant I am, forms. So my major question is...should I scrape the algae off witha algae scraper...or leave it and hope the pleco will eventually find it edible? Cause my tank is looking a little gross right now. I dont want to take off the algae though and leave him without any food.

P.S. He wont touch algae tabs either.
Despite their reputation, most commons aren't that efficient in controlling algae, and also grow FAR too big for 29g.

You'd do much better replacing him with a small bristlenose plec which will not outgrow your tank and would be far better at controlling your algae.
i second that. it sounds harsh but you really need to replace him now. other wise like me you'll find yourself in a year with an 8 inch plec and a huge nitrate problem. not to mention an unhappy fish.

as to the algae keep the tank as clean as you can, the plec wont starve. he'll just eat your plants if he gets hungry.

heres a link to algae control

but bear in mind a bit of algae on the glass is normal and easily removed with a scraper. only make major changes if it's a real problem that you cant keep on top of. algae isn't bad for the fish just looks bad.

good luck
I agree with SirM, my Bristlenose plecs do a great job at keeping my glass clear from algae while the amano shrimp work away on the ornaments :)
Ok. Thanks! I got the common, knowing he would get too big...but figured in a couple months I could replace him with a smaller version. However, if they dont clean well then....guess I will get a bristlenose. Thanks!
actually, getting rid of a large pleco is rather difficult... especially if you expect to sell/trade him. commons get sold so often to people with too small a tank, that the market is generally pretty glutted.

in other words: get out now while you still can! :p a small common is a lot easier to unload than a large common

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