Pleco Never Comes Out


Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2006
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I've had 2 clown plecos for around 1 year now, and since i added them i have not seen them. The only way i know they havn't died/decomposed/jumped/beeneaten/abducted is because if you peek down a tiny crack behind some slate i have you can just see them moving around?
Should they really be this timid?

I wanna see my fish for once <=(
The smaller of the plecs seem to be this shy. I have 2 L134's and 2 L260's and I rarely see them. On occasion, they have come out, but that is pretty rare these days. But once my lights our out, they become braver and swim around the tank. Have you watched your tank with it's lights off?

I'm afraid there isn't much you could do. Some could be tempted out with food.

We never used to see ours until I started to give courgette I used a airline sucker on the side of the tank and pressed the courgette on to this now he can often be seen.
We never used to see ours until I started to give courgette I used a airline sucker on the side of the tank and pressed the courgette on to this now he can often be seen.
I would have never seen my golden nugget unless i had couragette/zuchinni. after a few months of that he got use to comeing out and then he would hang out on his log at night.
As AlexandCarmen said, smaller Plecos tend to be quite shy so it's not unusual for them to hide away. Most Plecos are nocturnal, so you only tend to see them at night with the lights off or when you have a moonlight on.
We do have a couple that are brave enough to come out during the day but we rarely see the rest of them until night time.
clown plecs are generally quite shy as said, have you provided them with some wood?

Also a good veg that they like is yam-the nearest thing to yam in the uk is sweet potato.
My L002 has just spent some time out for the first time since I got it about 3 weeks ago. A bit of cucumber enticed him out and I also moved a few plants which gave him space to come out of his resin log and still be fairly hidden away which seems to have helped. Or he got sick of me lifting his home to check if he was ok!

... Or he got sick of me lifting his home to check if he was ok!
I've just rearranged my tank and added a whole load of plants, my Gold Spot Dwarf was running around exploring like mad then all of a sudden I didn't see him for a day (unusual for him)... I was getting very close to going in looking when he poked his nose out from behind some of the new plants. :blush: Did feel a little silly but I now I fully understand the just want to check mentality!

I shall just have to learn his new hiding spots!
My plecs have some nice real wood to live under/munch and they get courgette/zuchinni(SP) often, which they must like as it always is eaten in the morning, yet I don't see them, even when the lights are off at 1am in the pitch black, i use my phone to make some light and all i see is my angelfish trying to snooze. =/ Sux. Also, if i were to get some more active catfish, like Corys, would they outcompete my plecos, or should they be fine?

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