Pleco names

Someone told me he was a gibby. I could be mistaken but as for the pic of him, here it is:
My newest baby is a peppermint pleco that has decided to stay behind the log pretty much all of today. My other plecos are bristlenose and their names are lil'spike and Bob. I just love plecos and I wish I could have a tank just of them. :wub:
Your new baby is Soooo cute. He looks like a spotted sailfin to me, but what do I know, I'm still new at this game. :*)
It is a Gibby but anyway he's a nice one i was wonderin is any one interested in buying any plecs my little mate is a L264 Joselimai Plec called Spud. :D
I have green tree frogs. They should cost no more than $10. I bought mine for about 7or 8, can't really remeber. The more expensive one you might have seen was a Red Eyed tree frog, but their cost should be about 100. If you want to get more info about them, you can e-mail me, I've had mine for about a year and a half. :)
earthgirl said:
Your new baby is Soooo cute. He looks like a spotted sailfin to me, but what do I know, I'm still new at this game. :)
The Gibby ID was me - Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps

common name - Sailfin plec ;)

not sure about names for ours either... we've now got (as of tonight) 19 plecs :D

the bristle fry wont be getting names as they all look the same (except one with a stumpy tail)
Thanks Smithrc;
Thats clears that up. Now I don't feel quite like a complete goof. 19 plecs, I'm jealous, especially baby bristlenoses. I wanted to breed Medusa Heads but I can't afford 2 right now. And they are really hard to get up here in Canada!
Medusa Heads... braver than me... you could scare small children with them :D

seriously though, we only have 2 large plecs (not large now in fact the sunrise is the slowest grower we've got) all the others are small eg approx 5"

most people hear "Plec" and think moster size... our chocolate zebras should be about 4" when adult :wub:

We'll be naming them when we can tell them apart
(did you see how smooth that was. I got the thread back on track B))
I just checked out your newest pics. Yes, Medusa Heads, so ugly only a mother could love them..
I lost mine last weekend and this mother cried....
and bought a peppermint pleco

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