PLECO injured

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New Member
Jun 8, 2004
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north east uk
I looked into the tank today and noticed that my common plec has scraped off a load of scales on his back. I have recently changed ornaments around etc... Could he have just caught himself on the new ornament as he has burried himself beneath it (Its a plastic tree root) Or could it be something else?

The water is perfect condition and he is in on his own at the moment (was going for puffers this weekend but might have to wait til joe is better)

I have some fin rot and fungus medicine should i put some in? Will it help?
I wouldn't treat untill you know what you're treating for - though amybe melafix wouldn't go amiss...

Keep ontop of water changes and maintenance...

Plecs can quite commonly burn themselves on the heater if he can get behind it...? without realising they are doing any damage. Does he like to go there?


www :)
should be ok.
the scales will never come back but there will be no problem with the fish!

Well after a long hard think, he couldnot have burmt himself on the heater...just impossible ..the angle its at and where its located. So he must have caught it on the ormanent.

He seems purfectly fine, not at all bothered :blink:

Fingers crossed he just got a flesh wound :S
A little melifix will not go amiss and I've used it in the past for the very same thing. The healing was rapid and the fish never seemed stressed at all.


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