Pleco ID


Fish Crazy
Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
Fort McMurray Alberta, Canada
Well I bought this little fella from the LPS for $14 CAN and yeah (s)he was labelled as a Yellow Pleco. I went to, and looked for its L# but I couldn't find it from the 175 (approx) plecos I looked through :X

Please help.


That is most likely a lutino common pleco, sometimes sold as golden or yellow plecs.

It's a colour mutation of the good old common pleco, not a tru albino as it retains the yellow pigment.

Nice fish.
SirMinion said:
That is most likely a lutino common pleco, sometimes sold as golden or yellow plecs.

It's a colour mutation of the good old common pleco, not a tru albino as it retains the yellow pigment.

Nice fish.
agreed - also sometimes called a chocolate plec.

Did they say what sort of size he'll get to?

(if not - It'll be about 12" or more)
Hey DarkSide, I just have quick question for ya. First, welcome to the forums.
Judging by your avatar I'd say you are a displaced Easterner living in Fort Mc, am I right?
I am from PEI and have lived in Calgary for 6 years, if you are ever down here you should check out Gold Aquariums, they are probably the best store in town.
Okay thanks! Except, i'm pure mcmurryite, born and raised here :p

Other than that, since my grandma lives down in Calgary i'll have to ask her if I can set up a tank at her house. Hopefully a big one since she has looooottttsssss of money.

I know there is another really really great store in Calgary buit I forget what its called. I'll have to ask my grandma next time I talk to her..

Btw I just like crustaceans :lol: :lol:

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