Pleco ID


Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
We went out for the day yesterday and my mum sneakily bought this little guy while I was checking out the tanks in a fish store we went to.

I didn't realise she'd bought him until we got home, otherwise I would have asked for him to be put back. He's a cute lil fella though and if he won't grow to a stupidly big size I think I might keep him. But saying that I AM planning to get yet another tank (yay for wages!) in the near future and even if I don't there's the 50G college tank.

Apologies for the bad photo - hes in the smaller tank which is harder to take pictures of, I had to put him in the breeding trap as well as you could hardly see him against the wood.


The picture is much larger than he actually is - he's around 1-1.5 inches right now.

I asked mum what the guy said about him and she said that he was an "ancestoris" (I think she meant Ancistrus) and will be around 4 inches. But thats according to a guy in a fish store I'd never been too so I don't know how knowledgeable he is.

Please can you guys help ID him for me?
Definitely looks like an ancistrus to me. We had a couple just like yours. Expect him to be an active little guy with a great personality!
You looks very similar to our L181's (its a bristlenose :D)

Max size will be 5-6" :)

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