Pleco Id Needed


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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could someone plese tell me what type of pleco this is. the pics are not amazing so if you could do your best and work with them. also if you know what type it is could someone please tell me how big it will grow to, and how soon i would need to rehome it if needed. i have a 59litre tank. tank mates 3 guppies, 3 platies, 4 ottos.



all comments welcome.

That looks very similar to my common pleco, who will grow HUGE. I am looking at getting a 3ft tank for mine for a few months, but when i have had some work done on my house I am getting a 6ft tank for him.
I reckon that is a Sailfin Pleco. Wont grow quote as big as common but you will still need a good sized tank.
dependent on exactly what it is, it could well grow to over 20 inches. and 14 of so is almost a forgone conclusion.
ok, so how fast do they grow? if they grow fast would it be best for me to take it back so that it can go to a better home where it would have the space to grow?
ok, so how fast do they grow? if they grow fast would it be best for me to take it back so that it can go to a better home where it would have the space to grow?

mine is not a gibbie but it went from 1 and 1/2 inches to 9 in two years.

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