Pleco I.d.


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2007
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I saw a pleco at my pet store but it wasnt labeled. They didnt bother to make a label for it since all the plecos are mixed up so they just labeled it as a common pleco. It is black with small white patches and dashes. What type of pleco is it? Since they are selling it as a common its only $2.29. I cant put anymore fish in my tank so sadly i can not buy it.
Got no chance with ut a pic, at that price it's gonna be a common or bristlenose though.

Sorry cant help much more but there are 100's and some have almost no difference.
I have no pic. Forget the price right now. Its more like black with small white dashes. Maybe if there is a list of plecos or something.
Ill try to get a pic. It just feels weird taking pics at a pet store. I wont go there for a couple days so they might sell out there most noticable one. not a L001.

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