Pleco Help


Fish Fanatic
Jul 23, 2005
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I have a nice tank running now, had a common pleco, but he was pretty sickly so he died, now i just have a molly, gourami, 4 ghost shrimp and a tiny snail. I really want a pleco before i started getting more gouramis and stuff...what would be a good pleco for my 10 gallon?
I don't think there are any for a 10g. Normally I'd say a Bristlenose or Rubberlip but you've got a fairly small tank and most Plecs need a 30g minimum. These two can go in a 15 or 20 but I kinda doubt a 10.
Hi jephex,

Otocinclus would fit in well. They only grow 2 inches long but like to live in groups so get 2-3.

Depending what type of gourami you have the 10 gallon probably won't be big enough for you to get more without them fighting. Unless you have a honey or dwarf and have one of each sex. Get another female molly instead as they like to have others of the same species around. They come in loads of different colours and a few different varieties.

edit: just read your other post and it's a male molly so i wouldn't add the female or you'll have millions of mollys.

I ended up getting a hillstream loach/butterfly loach or whatever its called...kind of like a pleco, small too...oh yeah i got a female and a male anyways, but my male is sick gotta medicate

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