Pleco has rust colored sopts!

Guppy Mama

Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2003
Reaction score
Hello. I posted the following in the catfish cradle, but no replies. I thought I'd try here so I know if this guy has fin rot.

. I have a common pleco in a 24 gallon tank w/guppies. It seems fine, but today, while doing a water change, I noticed something that had not even been there last week at my water chamge:

It has kind of rust (small) spots on its fins. The rest of his pattern is not rusty, it's more brown and tan.

Could this be a sign of disease or poor water quality? I ask because it's new, and because I also found a dead guppy in there.

Any input, would be so very much appreciated. Thank you!
Sorry you didn't get any replies GM,

It could be natural colouration that you only now notice if his overall colour has dropped a little - which can happen when they're not totally happy :/

What are your water conditions like? Do you know why the guppy died? Have you been using any meds?

Can you post a pic?

www :)
Hi there, and thank you for the reply! I have not treated the fish yet, because I am unsure of the pleco's tolerance to medications like maracide or tetracycline. Can they take it?

The guppy...very odd. Amonia and nitrites are zero, but some other fish do not look in a good way. No signs of fungus or parasites. Bellies slightly swollen...not pinecone, like advanced dropsy, but maybe early stages?

No other fish have died, but many look less than proper. Thanks so much for your reply!
Look at your fish with a flashlight... check to make sure there isn't a golden or rust colored "mist" forming on them -- that is a sign of velvet, which is a parasite like ich.

If you see more than one fish has this rust coloring mist forming, read about velvet and learn how to resolve the problem.

If they aren't, keep watching them, and see how they are going.. if they start on dropsy, you'll need to medicate immediately. Perhaps ask your LFS (small sized single non-chains tend to be best imho) and see what they say.

Good luck, and I hope they get better soon!


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