Pleco growth


New Member
Feb 2, 2005
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I was just wondering, at what age does a common pleco generally reach full growth? Thanks!
I heard it was around 1 or 2 years? Check out the Fish Index, I think they have an entry for common plecs there.
Depends on the pleco, but it's usually 1 - 2 years I think.
depends on the room and their diet - not just age.

we have a common that is about 10" whos 18 months old

If there is plenty of good food and plenty of tank space it can be as little as 8-10 months.

around 18 months for a common (12") and 2 years for a sailfin would be normal.

If food is not as abundant their groth rates will be slower (but not detrimental)
Given enough space they will grow until they die - growth slows to a point where you won't even notice any more, but under the right conditions they don't really stop.

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