Pleco For A 30g


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorks
Hi need some help finding some plecs for my tank

The tank is a Fluval 125 fully fishless cycled and is now home to a pair of Honduran Red Points (blue convicts - though no where near as aggressive or as large as the regular ones) We will be adding in a school of either black ruby barbs or similar or red skirt tetras or similar.

We want to add 2 plecs to the tank as well - they will take presidence over the school so if we have to go without the school to have the plecs so be it. Idealy we want 2 plecs that look quite different that stay under 5 inches that are not too territorial. Also would prepare them to be active in the day as well, and for one to be interested in eating algae as there are some areas with algae that I just cant quite reach.

Also I dont particularly like bulldog plecs but I do like bristlenoses but would prefare for both of them not to be BNs.

Any ideas thanks
thanks for the reply we went with an L235 flyer plec to start with he seems happy right now the male honduran did not like him at all but now he knows his way around the tank and where he can get to but the honduran cant he is fine. Just need to sort out a regular diet for him and I'm set now great fish as well.

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