i have:
1 common
3 rubbernose
2 bristlenose
1 clown
2 albino chocolate
2 gold nuggets
they are all juviniles i just recently bought them all within the last 2 weeks.
i added them to a few different tanks. and ive been feeding them hikari sinking pellets.
but ive been wanting to get them on to fresh fruits. so i went out and bought them zucchini, yellow squast, cucumbers, and romain lettuce. i read they can all eat these?
my q are?
how do i serve? the vegies to the pleacs. i know my cichlids eat cucumbers and squash floating, but how do i get thevegis to sink? or will the plecos swim up to get them? and since i have a few different plecos are there any that i have that need special needs? i read that clown plecos need wood to eat so i have him in my small 10 gallon with drift wood in it.
1 common
3 rubbernose
2 bristlenose
1 clown
2 albino chocolate
2 gold nuggets
they are all juviniles i just recently bought them all within the last 2 weeks.
i added them to a few different tanks. and ive been feeding them hikari sinking pellets.
but ive been wanting to get them on to fresh fruits. so i went out and bought them zucchini, yellow squast, cucumbers, and romain lettuce. i read they can all eat these?
my q are?
how do i serve? the vegies to the pleacs. i know my cichlids eat cucumbers and squash floating, but how do i get thevegis to sink? or will the plecos swim up to get them? and since i have a few different plecos are there any that i have that need special needs? i read that clown plecos need wood to eat so i have him in my small 10 gallon with drift wood in it.