Pleco Diet


New Member
Jul 16, 2011
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Do you think it's a bit odd to see a clown pleco eating blood worms? Just wondering considering i had been associating them with mostly algae all this time.
Feed a varied diet.
Different types of bogwood, veg (cucumber, courgette, lettuce, potato), sinking catfish & Plec pellets. And some bloodworm on the odd occasion, but only as a treat.
Clown plec are in fact Panaques and require a good deal of wood in their diets.
It is up doe debate if they actually eat the wood purposefully or its a by product of them eating something grow in/on the wood.
They should be supplemented with veg (cucumber, etc) and algae wafers
The occasional feeding of meaty foods such as blood worm shouldnt cause any real issue, but just make sure you arent feeding it regularly as their digestive system isnt developed for digesting that sort of food.

Some plecs are actually carnivores and this is often over looked by many keepers, but as far as clown plecs go wood and veg is all good :)

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