Pleco Chasing My Parrot Fish! :(


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2010
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Hey guys,
I have a sailfin pleco and she has recently started chasing my fairly new parrot fish. She wont leave them be, and they are starting to get dark patches on them from the stress!
Is the only answer giving away my beloved sailfin? :( 
Thanks x
How big is the tank? Plecos normally just sit at the bottom, It's kinda rare to see the chasing off mid swimmers.
Like techen said, plecos don't usually conflict with anything other than other bottom dwellers. We could use a lot more information regarding the situation if you want us to help.
How big is the tank? Dimensions as well as water volume
How many fish are inside it? How big are the fish?
How long has the pleco been in the tank?The parrots?
What decorations do you use? Wood or rocks?
We'll be able to help you a lot more if you could answer these questions.
And just my personal opinion, if it came down to losing some parrots (I assume they are the blood parrot hybrids and not psittacus?) or my beloved sailfin pleco, I would keep the pleco any day. Maybe swap them for some cichlids that are better built to avoid the pleco
Most likely the parrots have picked on the pleco first, it is very very rare to get an aggressive plec.  Try and create a good safe refuge for your plec, a pipe or some sort of cave where he can get away from the parrots. The Parrots being the new guys are trying to rule the tank.
Hey guys :) Sorry, should have included more info!! My tank is 120litres, I recently got one that is slightly taller so that the mid swimmers weren't bothering the plec as I thought maybe they were the ones bothering him/her! I'm not home right now so cant give you exact dimensions. My plec has a big ceramic log that he hides in most of the time, and used to come out mainly during the evening to feed .. but now he's out WAY more, and definitely chases the parrots.
The parrots are still REALLY shy too, I have spent a lot of time observing the tank and it definitely is the plec chasing them. Odd I know! 
I have mainly wood, 2 big pots for the parrots to hide in (they are only small still) and a big log for Dotty the plec to hide in.
In a years time I will be graduating from uni and have been promised a 350 litre tank for my graduation (wahoo!) so I know that the parrots will need more space eventually.
Thanks guys x
Tank size is the cause of the problem then not the poor plec. It is not big enough for a common plec and with the additional parrots he is feeling threatened. Personally take the parrots back and wait until you finish uni and get a bigger tank, then add cichlids with Dotty.
I see. I didn't think she WAS a common plec, as she is only 8 inches long?
Thanks for your reply!

But I thought she looks identical to a sailfin, just a smaller version?
Have you a piccy? that way we could get a positive id for you. She may be a gold spot sailfin which do not get as large as the common plec and gibbys if your lucky. 
Yes I just managed to snap one of her, as she's out at the front of the tank not hiding, as usual at the moment! I have had her for 3 years + now, so I would imagine she is fully grown? I had her since she was tinsy, so I am quite attatched!!
Haha yeah, I'm not sure how I decided she is a she really !:p Oh well that's definitely a good thing, thankyou, I think she is rather beautiful myself! :D Thanks!! :) So, what shall I do about the whole chasing issue, now we know that she is a Gold Spot? :)
120l is not really going to be big enough for her and parrots. Parrots do get quite large. At this point in time your best option is to re-home the parrots until you get your larger tank, else, even if you do manage to stop the chasing issue, you could end up stunting the parrots.
Parrots are pretty easy to come buy so getting more when the times comes wont be an issue, but getting another gold spot when they are usually sold under the "common plec" banner would be more difficult.
Ok, thankyou for your help! Yeah, I have had Dotty since she was tiny so I wouldn't want to get rid of her really. Or the parrots, but needs must!
Thanks :)
Sometimes it is difficult, your only other option is to get another tank for the parrots, but then if they fall out you get a 3rd tank to split them up, then you get given a fish that gets on with none of them so you get another tank. Going down the cichlid path is a very slippery slope to MTS, trust me I have 13 tanks lol
Yeah, I am not moving out for another year and I think my ma would punch me if I got another tank ;)

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