Pleco Care


Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2007
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My experience with plecos has been less than good, I had one common that died within a month or two, and one rubbernose pleco that died in about four months. This was years ago when I was first into the hobby and I have never had the nerve to get another pleco again. Oddly, I have never had an oto die on me which are rumored to be quite sensitive, but I fear the plecos. Especially since I am going to buy a quite expensive pleco today (blue phantom). I want to make sure I do this right.

I think my common and rubber mouth died from feeding issues. Looking back, I am not sure if I provided enough supplements. What do you all feed your plecos? I have some algae tablets and some catfish tablets that I use for my cories. Will competition for food be an issue? How do I overcome that?

I have also seen people feeding their plecos what looks like cucumbers. Will blue phantoms take this? Are their other vegetables or other foods that I am overlooking for my future arrival?

Any other tips and advice are appreciated to make my third pleco attempt a success!
From what I said previously, do you think that my bad pleco luck was based on feeding issues? Are aglae tablets a good staple? zuchini, huh. They must really like it because I see a lot of pictures of them eating it... is that how photographers lure them out?

Also, will competition with my bottom feeders be an issue?
Unsure as to why the others may have died, commons are virtually bulletproof, rubbernoses can be tricky as they aren't designed for trop temps.

I assume this is a mature and stable tank they are going into?

what other bottomfeeders are in there and what size is the tank?
Unsure as to why the others may have died, commons are virtually bulletproof, rubbernoses can be tricky as they aren't designed for trop temps.

I assume this is a mature and stable tank they are going into?

what other bottomfeeders are in there and what size is the tank?

Well my common went into a large tank with some south american cichlids (which I don't have anymore because I moved) I thought either he got bullied or didn't have enough food.

My new Blue Phantom was put in a 39 gallon community, well established (running with fish for 6-7 months) I actually kept it running in the front seat of the u-hual we rented for the move. Quite an interesting story in and of itself.

The other bottom feeders are 7 skunk cories, and my Bolivian Ram loves to pick everything he can off the bottom too.

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