pleco being mean to my corys


Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
iv got this common plec in my 10g tank, iv also got 2 corys in there to. the plec useed to be pretty nocturnal b4, due to a bad eye infection he couldn't tollerate bright light. hes bettaer now and seem to be chaceing my corys. hes about 4 inces long and my corys about an inch if that. he hasn't nipped them or anything, their fins look fine and stuff but he does seem too be interested in running them over.

also, i bought the plec to eat the alge in my tank and hes seems to have eaten it all up, i dont want him to go hungery, so i wanna know what i can buy to feed him, i used boiled cucumbers for my guppys once and he loved that but it did kind make my gupys sick, so i cant do that.

( and i know u guys tell me this every time i post about my pleco so just so u know, i know that he will grow to be to big for my tank, dont worry about it )
Yup algae wafers/disks. Your corys will love them to. When they find 1 they get so excited it looks like they are gonna burst.

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