Our tank had a common pleco and a bunch of swordtails and platys. The tank was recently upgraded size to 37 gallons. Seeing that our pleco did not do a ton of eating the algea off the bottom we got another pleco. This second one is smaller and a darker color. Earlier today everything was going okay then i noticed that the new pleco was on top of the older one. We are not sure on the variety of either pleco due to the fact that every pleco where we bought was different but said to be a common pleco. The older one is more leopard spot-ish looking and about 1-1.5 years old. The new one is a darker color that seems to be more stripped with dots also. Could the new one be aggressive in nature? Could this be them trying to mate? Any recommendation for what to do.
Thanks for your help in this matter.
Thanks for your help in this matter.