
Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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This may sound stupid, but my Plec (very young) has died.

I feed it once a week a piece of courgette; I though algae and other stuff would feed it cos it seemed to suck the glass alot.

I have been treating my neons for white spot, but it says the plec would be okey with it.

What killed my plec?

any ideas
Plecos will eat spirulina(sp?) disks and some absolutly require driftwood to be healthy and happy.

Check out for more ideas on what happened, could be a number of things. Considering there are several hundred variety of pleco can you post an old picture of him/her?
He's an albino plec, or was rather, haven't had any photos as it was only a few weeks ago I got him.

The problem started when I had to remove some bogwood to steralise as it was getting too mouldy for the plec to control.

The stress of this gave my neons white spot (they still dash behind the plants when anyone approaches tank)

I thought the Plec was fine, noticed he stopped sucking on plants and wood.

The water params are fine, I checked last night,

seems a mystery but I'm truly gutted! its the fish fish I've lost!, didn't even have a name for him lol!

Il check out the site, but anymore suggestions are welcome!

do you think it was starvation?

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