Pleco and bottom feeder lovers beware


Fish Herder
Dec 21, 2003
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Oh man what a horror for me to see my favorite golden nugget yesterday with a little rubber band around his head! :-( Somehow, one of those rubber bands that the LFS secures the bags together with got into the tank. I am not sure how long it had been that I mentioned it and started thinking......maybe it was around some of my bunched plants? :dunno: golden nugget is still a little fella...and somehow he got a rubber band around his head. It was behind his eyes.......right in front of his gills and front fins. Well, it seemed really loose 'cause I could see a space between his head and the band, so I left it there a day thinking he would get it off..........didn't want to stress him unecessarily. :no: I waited a day..........couldn't stand it any him out of the tank and the band was tighter than I thought it was.....even though there was a space around his head it was actually very tight around his body and cutting into his gill! :X :-( I had to hold him out of the water and cut the stupid thing off of him with a pair of finger nail clippers! (scissors were too big!) He didn't freak out at all, it was almost like he knew I was trying to help him. :) He just looked at me and stayed very, very still for me. His gill is damaged slightly, :-( but for the moment seems like he will pull through. I have some melafix in the tank just in case, and some salt too.

Just wanted you all to be aware that those rubber bands can be dangerous..........FYI.
Thanks for the warning, hopefully by posting this it won't happen to someone else. And I wish your golden nugget a speedy recovery.
I'm sure he'll make a quick recovery from his ordeal. Melafix is good stuff, but why the salt?
OMG? I used those little rubberbands to tie my live plants to rocks so they could could root easier, never thought it might hurt my pleco=/ not sure how to remove them with out pulling up my now rooted plants...=/ any ideas? Maybe I could just put my hand in the tank..will oils from my skin hurt them??
sumer_kay said:
OMG? I used those little rubberbands to tie my live plants to rocks so they could could root easier, never thought it might hurt my pleco=/ not sure how to remove them with out pulling up my now rooted plants...=/ any ideas? Maybe I could just put my hand in the tank..will oils from my skin hurt them??
I put my hand in my tanks all the time for one reason or another. Just make sure your hands are clean and soap/lotion free and you and the fish will be fine.

Oh and instead of digging up the plants you could get as far as the bands and then use some scissors to cut the band and unravel it without pulling up the plant.

You use salt with a plec

Yes, I know that this is a controversial subject among us here at the TTF and the like, but I have been using it all of these years (9) with no problems. I don't want to get a major uproar started here with this, but it seems to help my babies. Since reading the warnings here, I have lessened the amount I use to half of what the rec. says to use..........

I think he will be fine, but he sure has some healing to do. Of course, this had to happen to my most expensive fish :grr:

Poor guy. Give hima big kiss from me!

I will! :D He was so cute in my hands :wub: was hard to put him back :byebye: , he was actually quite cuddly :*) , if you can believe that!?!? :lol: Love those little guys.......... :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Olive said:
You use salt with a plec

Yes, I know that this is a controversial subject among us here at the TTF and the like, but I have been using it all of these years (9) with no problems. I don't want to get a major uproar started here with this, but it seems to help my babies. Since reading the warnings here, I have lessened the amount I use to half of what the rec. says to use..........

I think he will be fine, but he sure has some healing to do. Of course, this had to happen to my most expensive fish :grr:
Oh, I wasn't trying to get at you Olive. I was just interested as I would like to use salt but I am always afraid of the 'horror stories' although I have not read any actual account of bad effects.
Cheese Specialist said:
Olive said:
You use salt with a plec

Yes, I know that this is a controversial subject among us here at the TTF and the like, but I have been using it all of these years (9) with no problems. I don't want to get a major uproar started here with this, but it seems to help my babies. Since reading the warnings here, I have lessened the amount I use to half of what the rec. says to use..........

I think he will be fine, but he sure has some healing to do. Of course, this had to happen to my most expensive fish :grr:
Oh, I wasn't trying to get at you Olive. I was just interested as I would like to use salt but I am always afraid of the 'horror stories' although I have not read any actual account of bad effects.
Oh I know you weren't, I was thinking of future posts............ya know what I mean? The staunch opposers of the salt coming down on me with the fishy-shaped gavel! :lol:

Yes, I too, was scared at first when I read all of the horror stories. :eek: But then, I looked back at my fish, some 8 years old and figured, "if it ain't broke" know the rest! :lol: They always seem to get over whatever it is ailing them when I throw in some good 'ol aquarium salt! :nod: I have never seen any ill effects, but I am not saying that they don't exist. I would say just to exercise caution and watch your babies if you decide to try it, and use half the dose recommended. I feel it is a good general tonic for them in general.
My LFS uses salt in their tanks with sick fish, but they put it into a plastic cup with holes punched in the lid, allows for a more gradual diffusion of the salt and keeps it away from the skin of sensitive fish.
Both my tropical tanks are salted tanks and the fish have no problems at all.

Before i added the salt my mollies and guppies were always suffering from the dreaded ich.

Since the addition there has not been a single disease or parasite at all.

Im not saying go ahead and salt your tanks i am just stating that its worked for me thats all.

If in doubt seek advice or read up about it.

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