Apologies all - have posted this in emergencies but am not getting much of a response...
Morning all
Over the last couple of days I've noticed that my little bristlenose pleco appears to have a blocked 'poo tube'. Normally it produces inordinate amounts of poop that is a healthy green colour due to having lots of algae in the tank (50mg/L ammonia helping there! Cheers water board...) but no poo noticed for a couple of days.
Lost another pleco a couple of weeks ago - but that one had a red swelling around the whole anus area.
It seems quite perky, scuttling around the tank and eating plenty. Any ideas?
Sorry - no can do on the photo front - it HATES the camera and disappears whenever it comes out.
Nitrite 0.1 mg/L Ammonia less than 0.1 mg/L PH 8.2 Nitrate 50mg/L
Ave temperature 26-27o
All other fish seem quite happy and healthy
Morning all
Over the last couple of days I've noticed that my little bristlenose pleco appears to have a blocked 'poo tube'. Normally it produces inordinate amounts of poop that is a healthy green colour due to having lots of algae in the tank (50mg/L ammonia helping there! Cheers water board...) but no poo noticed for a couple of days.
Lost another pleco a couple of weeks ago - but that one had a red swelling around the whole anus area.
It seems quite perky, scuttling around the tank and eating plenty. Any ideas?
Sorry - no can do on the photo front - it HATES the camera and disappears whenever it comes out.
Nitrite 0.1 mg/L Ammonia less than 0.1 mg/L PH 8.2 Nitrate 50mg/L
Ave temperature 26-27o
All other fish seem quite happy and healthy