pleccy has just died!! like 10mins ago!!


New Member
May 16, 2004
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my pleccy started been very eratic (and they arent eratic) then snuffed it?? what could have cuased it?? i test the water every week water change 1/3 a week one plant which has been there since i had him. i have 2 loaches (clowns) 1 molly and 2 tetras, i bought some algae wafers for him so im gutted and confused as to what killed him!!!

please help
Yeah, that's helpful wrs.

Sorry to hear what's happened scottonjackd. :sad:

What size is your tank? How long have you had the tank/plec? What are the levels in the tank?
there ya go again being mean for no reason.
all i was saying scottonjackd is that the post is in the wrong section, meaning that you minght ask else were.
Well Since he already died i dont think that it HAS to be in the emergency section.also u could tell them wat to do AND tell them to maybe post it elsewhere but u were just rude. :flex:

EDIT:I also just noticed that scottonjackd has been here forever!

(6 posts) I didnt know there was an emergency section at 6 posts. -_-
thanks. I never said that it was supposed to be in the emergencies, just not in breeding. And i didnt know what to do.

mollies can be agressive if its just one male. maybe it was old.
I'm sorry to hear about your pleco. I am far from a plecko expert, but I do know that they do not do well with aquarium salt. Were you perhaps using salt when you did your water changes?

Good luck in trying to find out what went wrong.
ok now that the bickering is over.

Again. We need to know tank size. Pleco size and species. and current water parameters. Also helpful would be what have you been feeding.

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