

comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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hopefully somebody can help me out here with pleccos...... the trouble is i just cant keep them alive. i have had a common plecco and a yellow spotted plecco both onlly lasted about 2 months then died is there something basic i am doing wrong? all i can think is did they get enough food? gave cucumber roughly every 10 days to 2 weeks other than that left him to find algea etc. thouigh am going to do a planted setup soon i currently have the cruddy fake ones. all other fish in my tank thrive

water stats

ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 25
ph 7.8

please any help/ suggestions appreciated as i want a nice pleco in my new planted tank when its up an cycled but dont want to kill another nice fish

ooooops sorry just noticed i put this in wrong section please ignore i have posted in tropical fish section
no answers in tropical fish section so anybody that coulkd help i would be very grateful thanks
If your test kit is right, then there isn't wrong with your water quality.
There was a period when I too could not keep Plecs. Therefore, I bought some carbon, added it to the filter and let that run for a week. I then tried again and I've kept Plecs ever since.
Any chance that the temperature is too high and therefore depleated the oxygen content?
how big is your tank and how big was the common? Commons are one of the hardiest fish that you can get!!

lack of food is the most comman cause of death in juvies IME, always make sure they have a pretty much constant supply of food and i dont mean feed them all day everyday lol:)

cucumber or corquet i give every 2 days and leave it in for 12 hrs ish.

I put in 2 algae wafers a day for my golden spot pleco, he needs 2 cos all the other fish have anibble too! Plus cucumber at least twice a week, I put it in around 7pm and take it out next morning before I go to work. By then, there is only the rind left :p
Get some algae wafers and you should be OK. Look for a golden spot pleco, mine was only a few quid, and he is so beautiful now he is getting bigger. Such a character too!
I put in 2 algae wafers a day for my golden spot pleco, he needs 2 cos all the other fish have anibble too! Plus cucumber at least twice a week, I put it in around 7pm and take it out next morning before I go to work. By then, there is only the rind left :p
Get some algae wafers and you should be OK. Look for a golden spot pleco, mine was only a few quid, and he is so beautiful now he is getting bigger. Such a character too!

I throw in an algae wafer each night and the dude goes right to it. I was the same as you before that though. I had problems keeping them alive for more than a few months, but I was not feeding them.

I vote for the algae wafers. Now the (3) I have grow like weeds and are doing well for over the last 12 months.
the feeding regime you described would be the obvious cause for me, not enough and not varied enough

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