
Have you got a pic? As said commons grow very large, however my Bristle nose was marked up as common plec where i bought it from :rolleyes: alot of places ive found describe them incorrectly - did they not give a maximum grow length on the tank description where you bought it?
Sailfin is gibby the info provided there is a conservative size imo, and does not include the tail.

It will hit 12 inches very quickly given the proper conditions.
Sailfin is gibby the info provided there is a conservative size imo, and does not include the tail.

It will hit 12 inches very quickly given the proper conditions.

it could easily reach 2' (24") and some times larger, althought L001 which looks like a gibby maxs out around 10-12"

agreed, but the growth slows down considerably it seems once they have hit the 12inch mark

I guess that helps with predation avoidance in the wild, quite a mouthful a 1 foot armoured plated lori
Several types of pleco stay realtively small 8" and under when full grown mine are growing up in a 300L and will be staying there. for a gibby full grown possibly 24" they need room to turn around and swim so would take a massive tank.

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