
Hi, I used Interpet No9 for one of my Mollies that had popeye in one eye. I have a Common Pleco so I phoned the Interpet people and they said it would be fine, and it was. I don't know if all Plecos would be the same as the Commons are hardy. HTH :)
so I phoned the Interpet people and they said it would be fine, and it was.
May I asked who exactly you phoned - and do you still have the number or email ? I'd love to get in touch with them. See this thread of mine today - I got some great tips, but haven't had the chance do persue any of them yet to find out if they are the real thing.
i could always move the pleco, he/she is a inch BN pleco but i don't want to move it unless i have to.
the meds i am wanting to use is this. it does not say its harmfull to plecos but i wanted to make sure. anyone else use this???
Hi, the number I rang was - 01306 743747. Their address is - Interpet, Dorking, Surrey. RH4 3YX. Guess they must be so big they don't need a street! I phoned last year and the person actually asked a scientist for me. I have a Common Pleco and a Golden Apple Snail. I asked in Wilsons, where I bought the med, but they didn't know if it was safe for plecos and invertebrates or not. To be fair they can't know everything and it was better than guessing. :) PS Sorry Bloozoo I didn't see your thread or I would have answered.
Hey no worries. Thanks for that confirmation and information ! :thumbs:

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