Fish Gatherer
Recently aquired a Rio 300 for my plec collection, they're only babies at the moment, and only three of them and they're currently in my hubby's 6ft community tank. I have a rusty (L077), black eyed gold ancistrus (L144) and a common BN. Tank is going to be fairly minimalist - black background, big chunk of bogwood, couple of hiding places, couple of plants, fine pea gravel.
I was wondering what other plecs folks could recommend. Although I am sorely tempted by a royal, I dont think it's necessarily a good idea as a. they get massive (all be it very slowly over many years) and b. they require a different diet, and poo tonnes - and the plan was to keep it fairly low maintenance, well - as low maintenance as a plec tank can be! I dont want anything massive, no commons, gibbies or the like. I am fairly restricted to mail order (Trimar) and LFS (one in my town is naff) as I'm on crutches permanently and cant walk for far, or travel far (and am limited to public transport as I dont/cant drive). There are apparently a couple of decent FS in Leeds, but I've not been painfree enough to manage going over yet.
Also, what middle/higher level fish can you recommend? My plan was to nick two of my hubby's angels or our Rainbow cichlid, but they all prefer a planted tank - and his is heavily planted, and they're used to it - so dont know if it would be a bit cruel? I love botia (I have clown loaches but they'd get too big for my tank), and synos, and am tempted to stick to those kinds of fish, but I'm fairly new to fishkeeping, and dont know what fish are compatible to choose from - so maybe they're not even an option? I dont want loads of different types either, as I want it to look really classy (if that's possible in my house!).
I dont have millions of squidlies to spend, as I'm on disability benefits, but I could, at a push, go up to £20 for a plec (not inc. postage) I'm not 100% keen on little fish like tetras (although congos and diamonds are nice from the pics I've seen), but I do love cichlids - but they'd have to be fairly small and friendly, and not mess machines. Saying that, I'm not overfussed on having cichlids in this tank, as I want to keep the main attraction as the plecs. Fish would have to be happy in open water, as planting is going to be very minimal.
Any suggestions? There's no rush to make a choice, just like to plan in advance, and it keeps me from being bored stupid stuck in with the kids
I was wondering what other plecs folks could recommend. Although I am sorely tempted by a royal, I dont think it's necessarily a good idea as a. they get massive (all be it very slowly over many years) and b. they require a different diet, and poo tonnes - and the plan was to keep it fairly low maintenance, well - as low maintenance as a plec tank can be! I dont want anything massive, no commons, gibbies or the like. I am fairly restricted to mail order (Trimar) and LFS (one in my town is naff) as I'm on crutches permanently and cant walk for far, or travel far (and am limited to public transport as I dont/cant drive). There are apparently a couple of decent FS in Leeds, but I've not been painfree enough to manage going over yet.
Also, what middle/higher level fish can you recommend? My plan was to nick two of my hubby's angels or our Rainbow cichlid, but they all prefer a planted tank - and his is heavily planted, and they're used to it - so dont know if it would be a bit cruel? I love botia (I have clown loaches but they'd get too big for my tank), and synos, and am tempted to stick to those kinds of fish, but I'm fairly new to fishkeeping, and dont know what fish are compatible to choose from - so maybe they're not even an option? I dont want loads of different types either, as I want it to look really classy (if that's possible in my house!).
I dont have millions of squidlies to spend, as I'm on disability benefits, but I could, at a push, go up to £20 for a plec (not inc. postage) I'm not 100% keen on little fish like tetras (although congos and diamonds are nice from the pics I've seen), but I do love cichlids - but they'd have to be fairly small and friendly, and not mess machines. Saying that, I'm not overfussed on having cichlids in this tank, as I want to keep the main attraction as the plecs. Fish would have to be happy in open water, as planting is going to be very minimal.
Any suggestions? There's no rush to make a choice, just like to plan in advance, and it keeps me from being bored stupid stuck in with the kids