Plec Question


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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I've got a 37 UK Gallon Tank and I'd like a Blue Phantom Pleco and a Queen Arabesque Pleco in it but will they get on? And will they both fit? I've read that Queen Arabesque get to about 5-6" and Blue Phantom get to 7". Correct? Obviously I'm asking so I can research before I go and spend a load on plecs for a tank that isn't right for them.
OK, which one would you say would be better? Blue Phantom or Queen Arabesque?
They would fit and probably get on.

However, for me, Hypancistrus work better in a species tank, they don't compete well for food by all accounts.

With that in mind, I would get the Blue and another similar omnivorous species or a colony of QA's which are carnivorous.

What else is in the tank?

Fyi I have never kept Hypans, I have kept a Blue Phantom successfully with lots of other species.

Ps that size sounds a little large for QA's.
There's nothing in the tank, I'm trying to sort out a stock list for it and I'd like a pleco for definite so I'm starting with that. Though I might get some Orange Chromides for it, these are not plecos, would they be OK with it? They do inhabit all levels on the aquarium but they are generally peaceful and grw to about 5"
Also what's the general price for one in the UK? A Blue Phantom I mean.
I haven't lived in the UK for a while, mine cost 70 quid for a 6 incher about 6 years ago

There was a thread here very recently, have a look, they were about 50 or 60 quid I think.

Aren't Orange Chromides brackish or am I thinking or something else?
I haven't lived in the UK for a while, mine cost 70 quid for a 6 incher about 6 years ago

There was a thread here very recently, have a look, they were about 50 or 60 quid I think.

Aren't Orange Chromides brackish or am I thinking or something else?

Orange Chromides usually are kept in brackish but it isn't necessary.
Hmm... 50-60 quid? I wonder if the manager will give me something off it then as I do tend to do a lot of work for him.
I haven't lived in the UK for a while, mine cost 70 quid for a 6 incher about 6 years ago

There was a thread here very recently, have a look, they were about 50 or 60 quid I think.

Aren't Orange Chromides brackish or am I thinking or something else?

Orange Chromides usually are kept in brackish but it isn't necessary.
Hmm... 50-60 quid? I wonder if the manager will give me something off it then as I do tend to do a lot of work for him.

Surely if they have them you know how much they are?

If he hasn't got them he will have 'a list' of what he can get, have a look at that.
theres a 3ish inch blue phantom near me for 55 quid.
They don't get them in as he doesn't think they'll sell so I'll have to ask him to specially order me one like he did with my Dwarf Puffer's. The problem is, he can't set a price as they weren't in this weeks book because they sent an old book instead of a new one. Basically their suppliers do have Blue Phantoms in but they have sent a book that is about 3 years old instead of the new one for this week, the suppliers didn't have Blue Phantoms in 3 years a go, so they can't even get any fish in till they get the new book which should be next week. The only problem is, the manager buys the fish at whatever price it is in the book then x it by 4 and adds a bit to get the price they are selling it at. So say it cost's him £20 to get the Blue Phantom in he'll set the buying price at about £85. I can afford £50 but not £85. I'm going to have to find out how much it'll cost soon though so I have an idea of how much I have left on my budget.

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