Plec Id


New Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Inherited new Plec as it started to outgrow my friends small cube tank (10G). Guy at LFS said him that it wont grow too big - in bit over month time gone from bit over 1 1/2" to 4". Now it landed in my 4ft tank.

Id would be helpfull to check for any special requirements, potencial grown size and plant eating problems.




Its a common pleco, (most likely P.Pardalis)
expect it to hit 18" and whilst it won't eat plants as it grows it may well flatten them
Its a common pleco, (most likely P.Pardalis)
expect it to hit 18" and whilst it won't eat plants as it grows it may well flatten them
Thats what i was afraid off :/
hopefully will get some bigger tank before he outgrows current one :rolleyes:
I have a plec that looks exactly the same as that, and prob the same size. He is in my 240L and has taken 4 months to grow from 1.5" to the size he currently is. Can't wait for him to get past 10". Tank will be upgraded to a 400L in the next 6 months by which time he may be near 8"?
Definitely a Pterygoplichtys sp, you will need him to grow and the pattern to come through before you can be positive.

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