Plec Id, My First Pleco!


Fish Crazy
Oct 18, 2006
Reaction score
Hi all!

I just bought my first ever pleco. I have looked on a lot of website before buying it and I did visit a few LFS to see what was available in my area.

I finally bought a pleco and I can't ID it. I know it's not a common.

It looks like " Pseudacanthicus leopardus " but I'm really not sure.
I'm confused, anyone can help me please? :)

Thank you!!

Here's my beauty! :rolleyes:
Am I wrong?

Is it a "Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps" ?
That gets my vote :good:.

I used to have one, but had to rehome him because he was going to get too big for my tank anyway, and was being bullied by my synodontis :( .
yup tis a Gibbi, he gonna become a nice 2ft big tank buster. to avoid this next time, have a look on the net and ask around and find what bread you want, then see where you can get one, or when you fins a plec you like go home a research it before you buy it, cause alot of these guys are tank busters.
Having had a quick look in your profile I see that you have a 77 US Gallon tank, which is just over 9 cubic feet which leads me to guess that you have a 3 or 4 foot tank. Gibbys ideally need a 6 foot tank so you'll either need to upgrade in the not too distant future or take the plec back to your LFS and explain that they should have told you it was going to reach over a foot in length! Good luck with whichever path you choose :good:
Do they grow huge very fast ?
My plec is 3.5 inches long. How big will it be in 1 year? full length 20inches?

I've looked around a lot and searched the web but most LFS have "standard" pleco. This one is more colorful than the one I'm used to see. :)

My LFS had 3 pleco, britlenose, common and this one. The LFS guy told me that the common would get really big 2 feet, this one (he called it leopard) around 1 feet and britlenose a bit smaller.

I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. The plec is really nice. I like it.

My tank is 4 feet long and I'm planning to buy a 7 feet long tank in 3 to 4 years.

Thanks for all your help :)
7ft tank would be great for him, but would need it sooner than the. Common plecos are smaller then Gibbis, a Common would be ok in a 4ft, by 2f by 2ft, but ofcourse the bugger the tank the better.

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