Plec Gone Mad.


Fish Aficionado
Nov 27, 2005
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Addingham, West Yorks (Near Leeds/Bradford)
ive got an 11" common plec in my community tank and altho he/she chases my smaller plec (5"or 6") hes never doen any harm.

today tho he seems real annoyed and is trying to eat al my other fish! fortunately its hard to aim your mouth when you cant see it but anyone kno why its so cheesed off??

gonna move him to my 180G when i can find a way to catch him! suggestions for that would be great too!
You think maybe it's just grown tired of the other, smaller plec? Try moving the smaller one if you can't manage to catch the larger one and move it, then see what happens.

EDIT: Spelling :p
what size tank is he in... bit more info needed... ;)

80G at the moment.

18" wide and deep so i didnt think that was a problem yet tho?

im redoing a couple of my tanks at the mo so theres the smaller common and an orange spot plec in there.

been watching and i think hes jus chasing the plecs cos he seems to jus sit next to them when they give up running.

still doesnt like the smaller fish in there tho.
what size tank is he in... bit more info needed... ;)

80G at the moment.

18" wide and deep so i didnt think that was a problem yet tho?

im redoing a couple of my tanks at the mo so theres the smaller common and an orange spot plec in there.

been watching and i think hes jus chasing the plecs cos he seems to jus sit next to them when they give up running.

still doesnt like the smaller fish in there tho.

sounds fine... hmmm... not sure. maybe just having a bad day.
Common plecs can sometimes do this particually as they get older, sometimes its like trying to keep chinese algae eaters together (i.e. not easy and not good).
Most fish in the wild will have a terotory up to 10 times or more their length long and wide, so its not suprising some plecs just get fed up with each other over time.

Some things you can try;
a. Build lots of caves for your plecs. Cut up view points along long expanses of open area in the tank with decor so they cannot see each other so well at either end of the tank. Watch where your bully plec chases the smaller one, if it always chases it down the same sorts of routes in the tank, try and change them.
This may stop your larger plec being agressive, but it also may also not. Its certainly worth trying though in the mean time as it can help cut down on agression.
b. Feed your plecs in different areas of the tank- for example, if you feed your plec cucumber slices one day, put the slices at opposite ends of the tank so the plecs cannot interupt each other while eating, putting at least an extra slice for every two plecs helps as well.
The worst case scenario is if the larger/dominant plec will harrass the smaller/less dominant one to the extent it just gives up trying to eat and dies, or the stress makes it sick.
c. Best option- seperate the plecs completely as soon as you can :) .

With your other fish in the tank, what types are they and how large?
Malcolm's a bully too, he can't stand to see anyone having anything and he feels he has to run them off, but he's 90% good and 10% chasing, so the others just move when they have to, and stay when they don't. He just likes to remind them who's the big fish on the block.

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