Plec getting a battering from my Syno

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May 2, 2004
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Down a dark hole... Down a dark hole... with an ow
Hi there,

Apologies for having so many posts going about my fish :| im getting a bit dishearted now and i can only presume that its my fault (IE bad fish compatablity, not reading up etc.)
All the research i did before getting my syno, nothing led me to belive he could be so aggressive.

Hi sits in his cave ALL DAY, and as soon as the lights come out hes about. Being nocternal this is normal.
As you know my plec is nocternal also.

I first noticed the other day my syno have a real go at my plec. So that night i watch ed the tank in the dark, horrified to find my syno give the plec a real beating.

The plec has plenty of places to hide, i mean loads, but he always chooses to go around the syno's area (pretty much anywhere he wishes, to be fair). When that happens he goes mental. Last night he pinned the plec into a corner and pretty much threw him against teh glass.
The plec scarpered and i knocked on the tank to split them up.
I then proceeded to turn the light on for the rest of the night, to provoke the syno back into its cave.

I realise its not his fault, and both fish have been put into this situation by me.

My plec has a teared fin (which seems like an old injury? nothing "raw" about it) and a body blow.

I have some Melafix, will this be ok on my fish in the main tank. I realise its really a remedy rather than a medication and will help the possible wounds.

I love my plec, but hes not a happy bunny, and my syno i love. I clearly cannot have this happening, i need to know whether my plec will be temporarily ok in the QT tank, after the gouramis are done? Otherwise one will have to go..... :-( :-(

I really am upset about this :/ Not as much as the plec is im sure :-(
For now it would be fiine until it heals, but then what will you do? THe plec will not be happy in there for the long term but it is where he should be for now to get away from the syno and toheal hiw wounds. Good Luck, keep us posted :)
Thanks for that tstenback, your support is much appreciated.

Obviously this will not happen today, as the Gouramis are in there being treated.
Do you have any comments on putting Melafix in my main tank (in regard to the fishes i have in my sig)?

Thanks again....

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