Plec Food


Fish Crazy
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
Essex, UK
I bought some 'TetraPlecomin' to feed my BN with so i dropped a pellet in and all the other fish were nipping away at it and the plec didnt even get a look at it... now its all gone and the fish have eaten it all!! Anyone had success with them? xx
I feed my fish this stuff (TetraPlecomin) regually and they love it too- its not just the corys and pleco's which love it, but i also grind the tablets up for my livebearer fry to get veg into their diets and they chow it down as well. I also give some of the algae tablets to my goldfish, and they swallow them whole :lol: !
I've got the same problem- everybody loves it. Theoretically, it is supposed to work if you pop them in after dark, but my platies sussed that one out a long time ago; they've set the alarm to go off the moment anyone moves in the room and the slightest whiff of food will bring them straight out of their slumbers!
I have the same problem with algae wafers and I also grind them up for my fry. If you drop them in after the lights are off he will probably eat them. I feed my pleco a cucumber with the seeds taken out and mashed up boiled peas and freeze-dried boodworms in the seed holes.
I feed my plecos wardley algae disks, all of my fish (execpt for my fire eel) love it.

I used to have a freshwater barracuda that ate them so fast my pleco never stood a chance. I used to have to feed him seperate. But that pleco used to eat the animal innards i used to feed Barry (yes that was the barracuda's name).
same problem using Hikari Algae Wafers. my mbuna would dominate the wafer when i dropped it in , the pleco didn't stand a chance. He was getting so skinny and crappy looking i thought i was gonna lose him. had to nurse him back to health in my hospital tank and then return him to my LFS.
I ALMOST lost mine to starvation. He lasted a week without any food. There was a huge indent in his stomach. Now he's a chubba wubba. I'm looking for an under water mini aerobic bike.

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