plec feeding


New Member
Mar 21, 2004
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Hi all,

I'm new to all this so please excuse me if I miss some of the finer points of forum/fish talk etiquette. Anyway, I just acquired a golden nugget plec and am slightly concerned he might not be getting enough to eat. He's cleaned most of the algae in the tank, so I bought some algea wafers for him but the other fish in my tank (very greedy platys/corys) eat it all before he gets a chance. I've only had him a week and never see him fully out of his home under some bogwood. He only comes out during the day when I'm at work so I cant just feed him when I see him. I would welcome any opinions or advice on how best to look after him.

Many thanks, Andy.
HI and :hi: to the forum aatkin101.

I feed all my plecs on cucumber. If you get a slice about 1.5cm thick and either get a plant weight and push it through the side and wrap it round or you can get whats known as a lettuce grip sold for marine fish and this is a plastic peg with a sucker which you can stick to the glass and this will keep it weighted down. also, they need bogwood, which you have provided so thats fine. you should see the cucumber either being eaten of just gradually going down. don't wait until it completely goes remove it after 24 hours. they may also eat pieces of meaty food such as bloodworm or bits of fish.

ste :)
I feed mine on a diet of algae wafers, sinking pellets, bloodworms and cucumber and ofcourse they have a ready supply of bogwood :) . A plec like a Golden Nugget should have meat in its diet in the form of frozen foods like bloodworm or brineshrimp.
Are Golden Nuggets nocturnal?

If so, throw a couple of wafers in the tank after you switch off the light at night. The day feeders will leave 'em alone giving the GN chance to stuff his face.
SirMinion said:
Are Golden Nuggets nocturnal?
Yes, most Plecos are nocturnal. In the wild there is no were near the level of lighting that there is in the aquarium so the Golden Nuggets can take months to settle in and become bolder. I have never seen my Golden Nugget feed and I have had him for two months or so, I feed him just before lights out with the other L-numbers.
ryan said:
SirMinion said:
Are Golden Nuggets nocturnal?
Yes, most Plecos are nocturnal. In the wild there is no were near the level of lighting that there is in the aquarium so the Golden Nuggets can take months to settle in and become bolder. I have never seen my Golden Nugget feed and I have had him for two months or so, I feed him just before lights out with the other L-numbers.
My Leopard Frog plec was like that too. Took 4 months to start getting braver, saw her on the glass for the fisrt time last week!! She now eats from my hand during the day and is much braver, but a bit skitty!!
My Common was like that. He was in a 15 gallon and only came out in the pitch black. When he got to 6-8 inches he went into my 55 gallon and he is a proper rambo fish. He will chase other fish awya from his food. My Spiny Eel bit him before but the Spiny is alot calmer now (bit him when he was settling in and was threatend)
I wonder if mine acts differently because it is just a baby or what, but he is on the glass at all hours of the day. He never goes into his hiding place I made for him or hasn't even thought about finding one for himself. He just hangs out on the glass all darn day sucking away at my algae......or, I mean, his algae :rofl: He's so cute!!! I hope he stays friendly like this when he is bigger :look: :nod:


Hello everbody,

Thanks very much for all your feedback. I've tried feeding some cucumber and it looks like someone, hopefully my golden nugget plec, has been nibbling/sucking at it. I was glad to hear someone else went for days/weeks without seeing their new addition to the tank. Much as the GN plec is nice to look at, most people have told me that they're not really that effective at cleaning up the algae in the tank. I'd like to get a couple of really active algae eaters if possible to keep on top if it, I'm lazy you see! All suggestions welcome.

Cheers, Andy
I keep my baby plecos in with my betta in a gallon tank and get him use to the lights and also see what kind of food that he or she likes the best. Yhe betta liks someone to keep the algee down anyways. I know that thiis isnt mean to the pleco either. Idont leave them in thier ling mabey three weeks at the most. I have got five plecos now and one of them is almost 2 foot long. And he was a little over a inch when I got him so I must be doing something right.

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