Plec Eats Frog


Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
South Gloucestershire - UK
:/ Would a Bristolnosed Plec eat an albino dwarf frog?

My frog (Freddy) has gone missing. Without trace. I have searched the entire aquarium with no joy. I don't think he can have escaped - I can't see where from if he has and I've searched the lounge. :-(

My plec has eaten a dead guppy before but I've seen no evidence of him attacking live fish - he does boss the tank though.


somehow i doubt that a bristlenose would/could attack , kill and completely devour even an adf. as for the guppy , it probably wasnt killed by the plec , who will always eat any fish bodies lying around. my guess is still escape.
You say the BN is the boss? Do you mean he's agressive or just likes his territory? I would have to agree with furryrabbit, my BN hasn't attacked my guppy and I don't think he could eat a frog!
Being the dominant fish in the tank (i.e., claiming a territory and holding it against all the other fish in the tank) doesn't make something predatory. The two things are totally unrelated. There are docile, schooling fish that are out-and-out predators (e.g., needlefish) and then there are incredibly aggressive territory holders that only eat algae (e.g., damselfish).

A plec will eat any dead animal. None of them catch and eat fish, except perhaps fish eggs and immobile larvae. If your frog has vanished, it may well have died, and the plec has done what comes natural and eaten the corpse. That's what catfish do.

That said, I'd look to see if its escaped (never underestimate the suicidal tendancies of aquarium animals) and also check behind things like filters. Often, things get wedged in the most unlikely places. I've even found fish inside filters!


Yep a guppy got caught in my filter as well. We used to own a shark that hid one inside a tunnel too, so they do have a habit of... disappearing.
Thanks guys.

The time Plec (that's his oh so original name) ate a guppy, the guppy had already died. I searched everywhere in the tank and the filter and no sign of the frog, I've also searched my lounge in case he escaped but with no joy. It's wierd because the frog was healthy and he was there the night before and gone in the morning with no previous history of escape attempts!

Hmm - I guess I'll never know!! :/

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