Plec advice please!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 4, 2003
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
Just got myself a new chocolate albino pleco (vanilla pleco) and he takes out algea like nothing else
but I'm worried as my tank is pretty much cleaned out of algea so I bought him some algea tablets.
The only problem is when i dorp them in the tank, he wont go after them. :grr: Are there any tis or advice anyone can give to get my pleco on algea tablets?
thanks in advance :fun:
My Gibbi Plec didnt take to wafers at first either, but a great and cheap food for them is cucumber, zucchini and similar veggies weighed down with something like lead for plants, push the lead through the slice of veg near the skin and wrap around the skin in a loop. I attatch a slice to thread and lower it in, then pull up the skin with the lead wrapped around it in the water. Be careful with fruits tho, some like apples may cloud your water. Also as you probably know most are nocturnal, they appreciate getting food after tank lights are out so they dont have to show themselves too much during the day.

thanx for the info
i'm just a little confused about your explaination with the lead from plants and skin of the vegie? if you could post some picks of your invention that'd be great

you can also get whats called a "veggie clip", a plastic clip that attaches to the side of the aquarium with a suction cup. Lee's Aquarium makes some nice ones taht are inexpensive and you can find online or at most fish retailers. see above link
Hi Pete, what ken means is take a slice of the veggie (cucumber, courgette etc) get a piece of plant weight, push it through the veggie near the outside skin, then wrap the lead around so u have a lead loop going around the skin of the veggie, u then tie a piece of cotton onto the weight, and lower the veggie into the tank via the cotton thread, leaveing the other end of the thread hanging over the side of the tank, then after the fish have eaten it (leave it in over night) u then just pull out the weight and skin (the plec will have eaten all the inside ands there will just be a skin left) via the thread :) This way u dont have to get ur hands wet at all :thumbs:
I also feed mine cucumber, but i take a rubberband and putting a slice in the cucumber, i pull the rubberband into the cucumber so they cant get it. I also attatch the rubberband and cucumber to a rock. I have to stick my hand in the tank, but they are used to me in there, since i clean them so often. LOL Mine also eat bloodworms, alge discs, and shrimp pelletts for my cories.
Hi, how about trying frozen bloodworms. I find that most plecos cannot resist not taking them! :D

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