Plec? 15g?


Fish Addict
Dec 28, 2005
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Is their any kind of plec that can live in a 15g? I just really want a plec, they look great.
Thanks in advance, adam.
What other fish do you have in your 15 gallon ? Is that US gallons or Imperial ? Or better even, what are the dimentions?
What other fish do you have in your 15 gallon ? Is that US gallons or Imperial ? Or better even, what are the dimentions?

Its 15 UK gallon i dont know the dimension,I have 5 neon tetras 2 guppies 2 fan shrimp and 2 loaches?
Fan shrimp = Bamboo shrimp you mean ?

What loaches - there are many with many varying sizes and waste produce?
Yes bamboo shrimp i couldnt really tell you what loaches they are
Yes bamboo shrimp i couldnt really tell you what loaches they are

To be honest, no one can really offer advice on what to put into a tank unless they know what's in it already, for compatibility issues.
Right, the tank is a 15g long. And my soon to be stocking list is 2x guppies (male), 5 neons, 2 kuli loachs, and a couple of ghost/amano shrimp (ive thought about the bamboo shrimp but they get quite big and are expensive in my lfs.)
My decor is, a large and small piece of bogwood and 2 rocks (with holes in). Also my substrate is gravel.
Alot of the smaller plecs are mre difficult to get hold of in comparison to the larger growing species, but here's some that aern't too difficult to get hold of that can go in a 15gal(do you know if its 15 US or UK gals?);

Candy striped plec, L015;

Clown Pleco/Ringlet Pleco, (L104, L162, LDA22);

Common bristlenose plec;

Queen Arabesque Pleco, L260;


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