Please Tell Me No....


Jun 12, 2006
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Ohio, USA
Someone here please just tell me "NO!", because if not I may just buy this thing on impluse.

I reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally want a Rapheal catfish. I just found a store that sells the smaller spotted variety.

Tank stats are in the sig.

I pretty much think it wouldn't work out - but if someone could just verify it and tell me to wait until I get another tank... well... I'd be greatful.
No - the tank is too small.
Besides - you really really really want a fish that you really really really will never ever see ;)
They are extremely shy and nocturnal.
Okay, that's what I figured. :/ But at least I asked!

You know, I was told the same thing about my black kuhlis, and they never hide! There are always at least three or four swimming around at all hours of the day and night. Everything and everyone in my house is far from normal, I'm learning.

Minimum for Raphaels is 30 gallons, right? If I were to maybe talk the roomie into letting me set up a 55 gallon in the living room, would it be possible for two to live in there? I'm reading a lot of conflicting info as for how they do in groups and whatnot. I still want them someday - I'll just wait until there's more room.

30 gallons sounds small for a striped raphael. Platydoras costatus can grow to 8" (though it takes a long time).

It should be fine for a spotted for some time, though this may grow too large over time.

so long as the tank has adequate dimensions to cope with a fish that gets to 6-8" then you shouldn't have too much problems. However, doradids will eat smaller fish as they grow. they are not out and out hunters like pemloids, but they will snack on sleeping fish as they wander the tank at night.

With regards to seeing, kuhlies are nowhere near as nocturnal as doradids.
See, this is EXACTLY why I ask stuff here first. :D Thanks for setting the record straight.

Okay then, maybe I won't be getting a Raphael anytime in the near future. I'm aiming for non-hunters in my tanks. :)

Still, it would be nice to maybe do a flat Raphael tank, with just some neons or barbs to give some movement to the upper regions. That'll have to wait until I own my own home, though. (I think it's going to have be a new home designed for all the tanks I want to have though, or the floors'll collapse!)

Again, thanks! There is just so much stuff flying around out there, that I really like being able to come here.
If you want a great tank cleaner, a fiesty fellow, and one hell of a flashy swimmer, just get a Pictus. We love ours. He is semi active during the day but once it grts late reguardless if the lights are out or not, he goes NUTS!! Swimming up and down left to right, just one heck of a flashy show. Warning tho it WILL eat your Ghost shrimp, all I can tell is they are like popcorn for a Pictus.
If you want a great tank cleaner, a fiesty fellow, and one hell of a flashy swimmer, just get a Pictus.
Absolutely not in a 20 gallon :/ :no: :no: :no:

I had mine in a 50 gallon and felt that was way too small for this incredibly fast & active fish.
Yesh, and considering the eventual size of 8 inches.....

Oh yes, and the reason people expect you to never see khulis, is if you buy one and one only like i stupidly did. Then you NEVER see them. But I'll fix that with my 40 and get some more :hyper:

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