Please Recommend Me A Good Syphon


Team TetraTEC
Global Moderator ⚒️
Aug 19, 2011
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Hey everyone,

I am looking to buy a syphon to make water changes that bit easier, I can find plenty that syphon the water out/in of a tank but need to find one that syphons water from a bucket that is placed lower than the tank that is being filled, otherwise I will just have to use a jug to refill the tank, but doing 50% water changes this may take some time!!

I need to find a syphon with a handle that I can wind to help the water flow uphill into the tank?

And help would be great :good:
how about something like this?

brand is called aquen or aqen i believe , it has the water control valve in between the siphon and the tube
how about something like this?

brand is called aquen or aqen i believe , it has the water control valve in between the siphon and the tube

That looks good, I have fond this which also looks like it will do the job
I don't think there is such a thing, OP...most people use some kind of electrically driven pump to pump water in from a bucket; personally I just hose my new water straight in from the tap; much easier and cheaper ;)
I wish I could do it so easy too but as far as my apartment-scape goes..i cant do water change so I had to buy one ;/ but it comes with everything though..just have to take out the screw thingie at the bottom of the sink head..and connect to the one end of tube and connect the siphon tube to the tube and im there is this connect that allows me to either fill up or drain its cool..but of course i BARELY use it;/ due to my great filter...i think i only do water change once every month or so..and maybe 25%..
I wish I could do it so easy too but as far as my apartment-scape goes..i cant do water change so I had to buy one ;/ but it comes with everything though..just have to take out the screw thingie at the bottom of the sink head..and connect to the one end of tube and connect the siphon tube to the tube and im there is this connect that allows me to either fill up or drain its cool..but of course i BARELY use it;/ due to my great filter...i think i only do water change once every month or so..and maybe 25%..
Your filter won't remove nitrate though; what do your levels get up to before a water change?
hrmm..not sure..i just replaced my emperor400 with ehiem eco pro like a week ago..and havent checked yet..maybe i will and post ;)
There's no kind of filtration that can replace a good water change regime anyway. Even if your nitrates aren't creeping up too high, you still have the plants, and to a lesser extent the fish, depleting the trace minerals, which can really only practically be replenished with water changes.
Best syphon I have is a 2 Metre Hose pipe cut off, Drains Water off quicker then any syphon I have ever had. Really good deal aswell, FREE after cutting off my Dads 40 Metre Hose Pipe :devil:
I use such a thing at work, it's called a bailing pump. We use them for emptying water from boats and they're massive, but now you know what they're called you may be able to find a smaller one.
I ended up buying one of these;


Works a treat :good:

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