Please Pick Holes


Apr 1, 2004
Reaction score
Cheltenham (UK)
As you may know I now have a wonderful 50G tank.

I had to put my Kribs in after only about 48 hours as one of them killed one of my neon tetra and the other took big chunks out of my danios. My fault for putting them in comparitivly small tank (15G). They do seem happy in the 50 and have stopped fighting.

Anyway, I would really like the following fish in my tank but remember they are all possibilities, please feel free to comment :)

8 Emperor or Congo Tetra,
3 Clown loach,
2 Blue Rams,

other possibilities?.. please add.

Rams and kribs :no: Rams are a delicate species and are not as aggressive as kribs, ideally you should try and get another west african dwarf cichlid like Tilapia joka or one of the dwarf Ctenopoma species but you could probably get away with one of the more hardy appistogramma cichlid species.
ok so rams are a bad idea eh?

How about Elegant Tetra? Would a shoal of them do ok?

bunjiweb said:
ok so rams are a bad idea eh?

How about Elegant Tetra? Would a shoal of them do ok?

yeah , because they like different water than Kribs , as for tank mates all my kribs do fine in a community tank(as long as they are the same sex)
congo tetras are pretty. my hubby has been trying to get me to add them to my wish list. but a bit expensive when you consider they do best in a shoal of about 10. around here they are about 7.99 a piece

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