Sorry to hear of your losses, I know it isn't nice.
Your fishes sound like they're really stressed, be it from poor water quality, overcrowding, improper tank-mates, overfeeding, and/or constant water changes.
You can see fish stress when they are aggressive towards each other, when the fins are shredded/or clamped, when they lose their colour, or when you see a fish "hiding" itself away.
These are the cause and symptoms you'd find. So, keeping stress levels down is very important.
Since you've changed the water and cleaned out the gravel, can I suggest not doing it again? As a person who believes in dealing with things naturally, can I also suggest turning up the heating to about 30c or above, leaving the fishes alone for a day, and if you're using medication, keep to the guidelines. Add a little food, and turn the lights off.
There's no quick way to cure them, so you'll need to have patience. I suggest minimising contact for at least a few days to a week. Sure, some will pass away during this time, but hopefully we can reverse the trend and save some.
I hope some of this helps, and good luck.