Please Identify This Fish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2012
Reaction score
North Cumbria / Lake District
Hi, Can somepone please identify this fish ( common name is fine ) Thanks :D

Tiger barb; not a brackish fish!
Some Puntius species, like P. ticto, do occur in slightly brackish water. So if your tank is only barely brackish, SG 1.002 say, then it's quite possible that these fish have become acclimatised. Because of that, don't do anything sudden; do your usual 20-25% water changes each weekend, replacing brackish water with plain vanilla tap water. Or, if they seem happy enough (and they look healthy) you could carry on as you are doing.

Cheers, Neale
I've just completed a 25% change. I drain using a fluval3 head with half inch dia hosepipe just for the tank, then refill with the electric shower water at 30C using th esame pipe which gives chance of a slight temp drop as it goes through the pipe. Of course I dose the tank with dechlorinater 1st ( API Tap Water Conditioner, and a bit of API Stress Coat ) then add the salt ( not much, it's 9 tablespoons for 180 litres )
I dont really know the SG figure as I've not bought a test for that yet. I guess it's very mildly brackish.

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