please ID this fish please


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Salisbury, Wiltshire UK
I got a fish today called a Red Lizard Fish. I done a google surch, and can't find anything that matches the fish I balt, will try and get a pic of it wile he still in his bag.

LFS said he likes algie and and is a ground feeder.
Hey ferrikins,
My LFS has some of these in, I was tempted but they were Pricey.

Long Browny/Red Stripes Yeah.
possibly a loach of the Homaloptera species
I'd go so far as to say a Homaloptera orthogoniata
Red Lizard Catfish

Planet Catfish - Red Lizard Catfish

Seen them in my lfs, and they're absolutely lovely. They were prices around 7 euros ... hard to leave, but just didn't have room at the time.


Was gonna add a picture from planet catfish, but seems a bit big.
Gill said:
Hey ferrikins,
My LFS has some of these in, I was tempted but they were Pricey.

Long Browny/Red Stripes Yeah.

I payed about £4.60 for him

Erised said:
Red Lizard Catfish

Planet Catfish - Red Lizard Catfish

Seen them in my lfs, and they're absolutely lovely. They were prices around 7 euros ... hard to leave, but just didn't have room at the time.


Was gonna add a picture from planet catfish, but seems a bit big.

CFC said:

Had one for about 4 years, seems happy in a planted 30g small fish community.

Thanks guys, thats the one did'nt realise it was a catfish, (hence origonal post in chit chat.)

I should'nt realy have balt it as I', rather over stocked, but I'm up-grading to a 3ft when I pass my driving test in november. :D
The-Wolf said:
possibly a loach of the Homaloptera species
I'd go so far as to say a Homaloptera orthogoniata

I've had another look at him, and I think your right wolf, the shape of his head matches more, of the pic's I've found. He been in the dark since i got him home, so when the light goes on in a min will have a proper look.

EDIT: Just had a good look he's a loach, looks alot like this

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