Please Id My Puffer


New Member
Feb 12, 2012
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Please can you tell me what puffer I have? Im sure its a female, because I tried not to feed her for awhile and she is still fat! probably full of eggs.. Shes about 3 inches long. very friendly and loving, always happy to see me when im around, shes not the active swimmer type, often times stays in her cave and im pretty sure shes a target puffer, it was sold to me as a fangs but she doesnt look like any of the ones i saw online, she kinda looks a t leirus
please puffer masters help.. her eyes are also color red and her colors changes depending on her mood, when shes happy her color is beige and when shes chilling in the cave, green or dark brown and she also has a slight yellow belly



hi friend, thanks for the reply. but she's missing the black spot.. so i guess not.. but thanks for the reply!
I have been out the puffer trade too long. Have a look on the puffer forum as has all the pics together and perhaps look at the target groups and congo? My laptop monitor doesnt make the markings or pics clear for me sorry
I'd say that's a Tetraodon suvattii darkened by stress colouring.
Could be T. Turgidis but the face is too long and the spots aren't quite right.

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