Please I Need Help!


New Member
Sep 4, 2006
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My fish all have white spot! I think it is anyway, my baby fantail woowoo died earlier today and my other 3 fish are dying. Their gills are hardly moving and one of my commons is just floating tail to the surface.
I dont have a water testing kit but today i did a 20% water change as i got told doing a huge one right now will stress the fish, i used some dechlorinater, yesterday (sunday) i put some anti-white spot in the tank and covered the tank with towels. Also a friend advised me to put 1/2 a teaspoon of sea salt in the tank, i took some of the tank water out and added it to that then replaced the water. There is 3 goldfish in a 15gallon tank, me and my dad calcutaled it today :( i know its to small but thats all i have for now.

Please help! i beg you :'(
whitespot/ich will appear to be like grains of fine salt sprinkled over the body and fins of the fish. this may be ammonia poisoning as well as whitespot. continuing treatment and water changes would be my best advice for right now. in the near future you should buy a larger tank - though to be fair commons really need lots of space for swimming, and shouldn't be kept with fancy (fan tailed) goldies - and a freshwater test kit.

how long has the tank been running? did you cycle it? if not your fish are almost certainly being poisoned by the waste in the water (please don't take offense if the tank HAS been cycled as many new folk have never heard of cycling, or have mistaken it for water changes/letting the tank sit for a day).

this sounds very severe and you may not be able to get on top of it, but fish can be very resilient and they may yet turn around. best of luck :good:

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