Please help!

Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
:no: In one of my tanks, a 10gal, I have three young platys (2 high-fin and 1 sunset) and a lovely male betta. They are fairly new, and a minute ago I realised one of the platys has fungus and/finrot. I have moved her to a 5gal hospital tank. I added the last few drops of Protozin that I have, and I don't have any more medicines. I have normal table salt ~ but I don't think I can use that because it has baking soda or something doesn't it? ~ But I have normal sea salt. The ingredients are...
sea salt
anticaking agent
magnesium carbonate
potassium hexacyanoferrate ll.
Could I do salt dips in this until I can get to a LFS tomorrow? :-( And should I treat my 10gal?

:-( Plz help me.
Use some meds, they are much safer on fry than salts and other baths; just out of curiosity, why do you have a betta in a fry tank?? bettas eat fry!
They're not exactly fry! They're not very far off from being full grown, but they're not too big at the moment. :)
Thanks for the links, Wilder.
:) Thanks everyone. I was having a panick attack but have calmed down now.
OK, I have added the sea salt (Only a few grains) to each tank. At first the betta flared out his front fins and took a H-U-G-E breath, and I thought OMG what have I done! I've killed him! But they're ok now. But my little snail Speedy is floating at the top.
Fingers crossed everything will be ok! :(

EDIT: OMG I just remembered! SALT KILLS SNAILS! :crazy: Oh no I've killed him! :-(
I was just going to say can you remove the snail out of the tank, how is he.

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