Please help!!!


New Member
Mar 22, 2005
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Ok this is kind of a 4 part question

My fish were rubbing themselves up against my little house ornament and sometimes the gravel. I looked on the internet and had that behavior (called glancing) for a number of diseases. I went to Petsmart and the lady there said it was probably Ick. So I got the Tank Buddies Clear Ick. It says to only use one tablet, though many places I have read say it takes a lot longer. Now the top of the tank is almost covered in bubbles. Not sure if they are still glancing or not. So I guess my questions are:

1) Is this disease Ick? (I haven't seen any white spots on the fish, just them glancing off things)

2) Are these bubbles being caused by the medication or is it something else?

3) Do I have to treat the tank for more then the 1 day the package says?

4) Is there anything else I should be doing to help my little fishes? (Tank is at 80 degrees Farenheit and have added salt to my aquarium)

Please help I hate to have my fishes hurting.


1) Is this disease Ick? It could be ick or it could be gill flukes or it could be internal parasites. There are many diseases that can cause flicking or glancing. Is the fish poo normal and not white? My fish started flicking against things and their poo is white, so I am treating for internal parasites. Are the gills red or inflamed or discolored at all?

2) Are these bubbles being caused by the medication or is it something else? I don't know, as I have never used that brand of ick medicine.

3) Do I have to treat the tank for more then the 1 day the package says? If the package says to treat for one day, I guess just treat for one day. If the flicking continues after that dosage, I would treat again. Most of ick meds are supposed to be used for 7 days, but I've never used the tablets so I don't know. :dunno:

4) Is there anything else I should be doing to help my little fishes? (Tank is at 80 degrees Farenheit and have added salt to my aquarium) What kind of fish do you have in the tank? Some fish aren't tolerant of salt and you could be hurting them more than helping them. :( You can raise the temp a little maybe to 82. :nod: That was what my tank was at and ick was gone in a week. :D
You will need to have your water tested too. Higher than normal levels of nitrite can cause flicking.
Where about on there body are they flicking, gill flukes heavy breathing, red inflamed gills, if you have no scaless fish add some salt to the tank.
Ok I have 3 mollies 1 male 2 females, 2 black tetras, 3 zebra danios and 4 neon tetras and 2 guppies male and female. I have only seen the mollies and the male guppy glancing off my house...They seem to be itching their bellies...I also noticed that 2 of the mollies have had some white poop and most (if not all) of the fish's gills seem to be red. What color should their gills be? Is this probably a internal parasite? That doesn't sound to good. What should I use to treat that if that is the problem? I tested the water and ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels are all in check with what they should be. I have had the tank a little over a month now.
Don't know about the white poop and/or red gills (inside part of the gills is supposed to be red...where are you seeing red?)....mollies and guppies are livebearing fish, it has been my experience that just about any livebearer benefits from the addition of some salt to their water (mollies actually seem to require it more than the others).

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