please help


Fish Crazy
Oct 23, 2004
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hi all the other day i saw a betta at my fish shop and it was so ill i couldnt just walk away and leave him so i got him.
he has some kind of fungus or something i cant find out what it is.
his fins are all stuck together and he cant hardly move. i have lots of treatment but im not sure witch one to use if anyone can help please please leave a message here.

How long have you had him? Has the fungus spread a lot since you bought the fishie?

I had a CT that came home with a nasty case of cotton fungus which I tried everything under the sun to fix but it spread within hours and he died within a week. Since then I picked up some Jungle Fungus says it's for serious cases of fungus, etc., so I was a bit skeptical about using it on mild fungus before, but I wanted to see if it was as good as it said and happily found that it cleared my guys up in days. It's not too expensive, mine cost me $4.36 CAD.

Good luck, and let us know what happens!
its hasnt spred its just his fins that are bad stuck tightly together, its not cotton wooly stuff just looks like clear fungi sometimes you cant see anything.
he eats fine loves his food.

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