please help!!!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 8, 2005
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i have had my two pink kissers for a while now and they have developed green spots.

it seems to be under their scales but i,m not sure i have never seen anything like it, it just seems to affect them, not my other fish as they have had it for a while, it dosen't seem to bother them but i have just set up a new ank which they will go in soon and i can get rid of it i just don't want to bring disease into my new tank!!

Does anyone know what it is? :dunno:
Sorry never heard of green spots, maybe add some salt if they are not scaless fish.
kiss gouramis are most definitely not scales and their doesn't seem anything in the tank that would be effect by adding salt. I'd perhapes try doing that. Just looking at your tank contains you look pretty darn over stocked how are your water parameters? If anything poor or lacking water conditions could contribute to your fish ill health. It sounds as though it might have been a bruse as I've got one kisser that has gotten a bruse before that turned purple then green. Also kissing gouarmi also come in green so if it's not just one but perhapes a culster or area of scales that are green then they might be T1 and direct desendents of a wild pair.


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