please help,


Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
buckinghamshire ,england
ok :( , trying not to panic..yesterday when i realised [and saw] half a tub of sinking stick on pellets, i used the gravelvac[the one that just filters through a cloth bag]and tried to remove what i could some had already dissolved ,and did a 30 per cent water change, .i couldn't see any more of anyfood but it seems that some other sinking pellets were put in and a handful of fish food earlier :grr: so the water tests are now worse than ever the next morning,off scale nitrates and high ammonia , how much water can i still change it seems i have entered an ammonia nitrite spike,i havent lost any of the fish yet ... is their anymore i can do . this is a forty inch tank and an awful lot of food must have dissolved in their water.. have another 11 gall but that is still cycling will it be any worse to move some of them into there... sorry for the long post but need some reasurrance i am doing all i can . :( pebbles
am just off to get a nitazorb[or something like] hope someone reads this , is it the right thing to do.... my fish are starting to gasp, have done another small water change ...pebbles
The nitrazorb will help and if you can try to get some ammo lock which will neutralise the ammonia (it will still show on a test but will be non toxic),keep doing water changes,around 30% daily wont hurt,also dont feed the fish anything until the readings are back to normal.

Next take a big stick and beat the offending child to within a inch of its life,it will never touch the fish food again :lol: (j/k).Seriously though if there are little ones running about then make sure that all foods,medications/treatments and nets are well hidden out of reach,fish seem to be child magnets and feeding them is more fun than any toy so its best to be safe than sorry.
thanks for your reply cfc, have just got back with nitrzorb,will add it to the filter and do a small water change before going to work.everything to do with the fish has always been carefully stored out of the way, except the food [he has never touched it before] this time he climbed to reach it, this is a lesson learnt ,a hard one as now fish food is unexcessible as well :) so back to my fish, all are still ok , seemed to appreciate the third water change. have stopped panicking, thanks again pebbles :)
Hi pebbles

Good to here that the fish are ok. Keep the water changes going, and keep an eye on the nitra-zorb , ( changes colour when it is ready for recharging).

Hope it all goes ok.
thanks for reply, you know the would have all been dead by now if i didnt have this forum to be part of.reading topics over a period of time you seem to pick up a lot of are all so friendly and reassuring. at least i know i have done what i can to limit any harm, fingers crossed . ps. the fish food is now safely out of the way , :) pebbles
just to add to what has already been dais, you may want to do 10%-15% daily water changes for about a week or so. the contant influx of fresh water will also help greatly with lowering the toxic levels.

the child should be crammed into a 15 gallon tank and left there for a day!!! (I'm Kidding) :p buit you may want to put a locking top on the tank.
friday morning.... dreaded turning on the light , but all fish seem ok. keeping up with water changes,nitrite still v high,not out of the woods yet .gourami deciding to build bubble nest through all this :) pebbles,
Glad to hear that everyone is ok so far, great job. I also have young kids who like to feed the fish, i put the food up out of reach and catch them climbing on my counter for it. :eek: It has gotten better lately, they say that they want to help me with them, so i put some food in the lid and let the kids put it in. It makes them feel like they are helping and they dont just go get the food and do it themselves anymore.
I try to keep them involved in the fish keeping so that they understand that it is not a game, but that everything you do to them affects them. When i vaccuum the gravel, i allow them to hold the tube in the bucket, although you may want to keep a towel or mop handy. I now have all of the extra hands that i needed to hold stuff. It may help with yours too. Mine are 2 and 5, both boys who used to tap on the tank and scare the fish. They now talk to them lke they are their friends. :lol:
thanks for the reply,good advice , we already let him[my grandson 3 yrs old]. help in a small way when he comes to visit.hes very good about not tapping on the glass and talks to the fishes[like his nan].hes not usually around at feeding time but i think we will have to work it so that he can feed in them sometimes. the food to go back to secure place after :) friday 8 pm nitrite and ammonia finally on its way down, going to do another water change..hope their will be no term effects, fishes seem ok..pebbles :)
Good to hear things are getting back to normal. You're doing really well, carry on the good work.
Talking of grandkids, when my little grandson was just over 1 he wanted to feed the fishies, so, what did he do, emptied his bottle of milk in the tank :rolleyes: It took me days to get rid of the milky bloom :lol: :lol:

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