Please help!!


Fish Aficionado
Apr 16, 2020
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
Please help! My betta starts to lay on his side, breath fast. Sometimes he will move up to get oxygen and he's got problems with swimming.
What should I doo..?? I want him to make this... not euthanasing him or something.. :-(


But he moved to this position..

It could be having swim bladder problems. Fast him until he can pass food. I’m rooting for you little Candy!
Im sorry :( hes looking in bad shape.

What have you tried already?
How long has he been doing this? What are your water parameters? I would do an immediate 75% water change using dechlorinator. Only fill the tank back up about 60% of the way so he doesn’t have to swim so far for air. Put a wine glass upside down in the water so he can rest in it close to the too. Add 1/2 tablespoon of dissolved aquarium salt for every 5 gallons of water. This will help with gill function. Let us know if that helps.
I don't know if Salty wants to euthanize just yet, but it may be something to consider. I'm still rooting for a recovery, but I don't know much about dropsy
Dropsy is usually not recoverable. :(
Im sorry :( hes looking in bad shape.

What have you tried already?
Tannins and the anti internal bacteria meds. Tannins were added today, could barely get anything.
yes its dropsy and the fish looks stuffed. euthanise it
I don't have clove oil, but I don't want to euthanise my little Candy
How long has he been doing this? What are your water parameters? I would do an immediate 75% water change using dechlorinator. Let us know if that helps.
I hope this would help... ammonia and nitrite are definentely 0ppm, but I'm unsure about nitrate as I have been doing daily water changes.
Give him some time. If he will eat, try to feed him a pea. (cut up of course)

This will help him pass the other blocked food and should help his swim bladder.

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